The Earth is Sacred.
From that profoundly simple truth the Hopis evolved and still live planting their sacred corn today in a remote village in Northern Arizona. But this Web page is not just about them; it is about a message they have for us all-a message based on a series of remarkable prophecies they were given a thousand years ago. Their elders tell us that their tiny village, Hoteville, is in fact a sacred microcosm of our world, that it holds the promise and the possibility of mankind's future on the planet. Could such a remarkable claim be true? What did the Hopi prophets see ten centuries ago that could be so relevant to humankind today? Learn for yourself the answers to those questions, and learn, too, of this courageous, tiny band of native Americans who have preserved an ancient tradition in the face of unbelievable odds and opposition.
Return to this page again and again. You will find below the words and images which conveyed, in 44 newsletters published in the past 20 years, their story, their hopes, their difficulties and their message to us all. There is not a single person on this planet who will not learn by reading these stories how to live better with himself, his neighbors and his environment. We commend them to you, to us, to the survival of the human race.
You may find the complete INDEX of all 44 issues, thanks to our friends at Hinduism Today.
Touch the Earth Foundation
P.O. Box 257
Solana Beach, CA, 92075
The shield symbol with its four circles in four quadrants means "Together with all nations we protect both land and life, and hold the world in balance."